So, I went to Google, clicked on the image link and typed in the following:
Town you grew up in:
Brunswick, GA

Town you live in now:
Hinesville, GA

My Name
Emily Kay Peters- that didn't come up with anything, so I had to type in Emily Peters. Man did it come up with some interesting things.

Grandmothers' Name (choose either one)
Doris Baker

Favorite Food
Cake Batter Ice Cream

Favorite Drink
Sweet Tea

Favorite Song
Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts

Favorite Smell
Husband's "Sweaty" Smell

Well there you have it folks. Probably some things about me that you didn't want to know or now you know too much.
hey, we had the same picture for our favorite smell!!
Tabs: Yeah, I saw that. I thought that it was a very good picture.
I'm not too sure about Marcell: princess or Pawn book Mr. Anonymous
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