Friday, May 05, 2006

Summer Plans

Seeing as I only have 3 weeks left in school, it's time for me to start thinking about what I'm going to do for the summer. I am going to be limited to my activities seeing as I will be 5 months pregnate by July.

Our mission trip is still under way for July.. check out our other website for more info. I'm very excited about going and helping out with the kids and experience what it will be really like to have our own orphanage. This will also help me see what it's like to take care of a child.

Other than that, we're going to get our house ready to sell seeing as Ryan is getting (hopefully) out of the army. This is going to be a fun process seeing as we have so many "fix-it" projects to finish. I'm limited to the things that I can do (can't paint or handle any harmful chemicals). But, I am working on fixing the pillows, upholstering a couch, and anything household activites.

Hopefully we will see all of our family soon in California and Portland and get our orphanage process underway.