Monday, December 04, 2006

The past 2 weeks

Jezreel is now 2 1/2 weeks old and it has been an interesting time. The first night was rough as she didn't sleep hardly any. She has now gotten a sleep schedule down where I feed her around 10, again at 1, then at 4:30ish. So, overall that is a woundeful blessing. She still has her up and down days, just like any human being. But, overall she is such a wonderful baby. But, I have heard that wonderful babies are horrible toddlers.. Let's hope not.

Ryan and I are getting excited about moving to Portland in January so he can start school. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about working and if I do work where to take Jezzy for daycare. If any one has any suggestions; I would greatly appreciated.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jezreel Lee Peters

Jezreel Lee Peters arrived Nov. 16th at 11:42 p.m. She weighed 6 pounds 13 oz and is 20" long.

The delivery went very fast despite not having any medicine. I was in labor about 25 minutes total (I really have no clue.. but Ryan does). She had a very easy 2 nights in the hospital, sleeping most of the night and not crying very much. The first night home was a different story. She was very cranky and had a hard time latching on. But, once she settled down I finally was able to feed her and she feel asleep (this was around 12 or 1). She didn't wake up again until 5 and then she feed for an hour. She has a rough time every now and then.. but overall she is a very content baby.

We are so excited to have her home. My mom (who lives in GA) was unable to be here for the birth, but she is here now spoiling her first grandchild. I appreciate all the congrats and warm welcomes. She can't wait to meet everyone.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Well, our house is under contract and will hopefully sell by the 20th of November. There are some things that the home inspector found that our real estate agent suggests we should do in order for the house to sell. We're not going to do everything, seeing as it adds up to 3,000 dollars worth of repairs. We're just going to do some of the repairs that will add up to about 500 dollars and come back with a counter off that the interested buyers will accept.

I have about 2 1/2 weeks left in my pregnancy, but I really don't think I'm going to last that long. I have an appointment tomorrow, so hopefully I'll know more then. I'm getting really excited and nervous about the baby coming and what to do after peanut is here.

I have a camera now, I just have to get a USB cord to hook up the camera to the computer. I will put up some much needed ultrasound pics.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Children that need sponsers

I was visiting a friends website who got a list from the people at the orphanage that states which kids have sponsors and which don't. I decided I'd let everyone see just a few of the kids that don't have sponsors. There are 43 of the current 80 kids that don't have sponsors. 17 of those are girls, and 26 are boys. The below pictures are of kids that are in need of sponsors. If you would like to sponsor one of these kids for only $35 a month, please let me know. I will then give you their full name so you can go to Colene and get started. Thanks for putting up with all my "advertising" for these kids, but you know what they say... You can always ask. It's better to put the need out there and see if anyone is willing.



Edwin and Angel


Jesus Kevin

L to R Manuel, Jesus, Angel

Wendy and Melissa

There are many more, so let me know the age and gender that you would like to sponser and I will give it to Collene or Hannah (who cordinate the sponsorship).

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hello All

I know that it has been a while since I've posted something new, so I figured I should probably update everyone on what's been going on.

About 2 weeks ago I went in for a doctors appointment and they heard the baby's heart fluttering, so the doc ordered an eco-cardiogram for the baby just to make sure it wasn't what Ryan had or anything else. So, I had to go to Sacramento for a "Level 2" ultrasound (last Friday) where they can look into detail at organs and such. They looked at the heart and said that it wasn't happening that often and they didn't see anything developmental wrong with the heart so they put me on a strickt NO CAFFEINE, NO CHOCOLATE until the baby comes. Then I went for a follow up on Monday with my doctor and he listened to the baby's heart.. and wouldn't you know, everything was o.k. They did a non-stress test (which is where I get hooked up to the monitor and they make sure that they babies heart rate goes up when it moves and then goes back down afterwards) and everything was fine.. Although it was really funny to hear the baby hick-up... so on the baby side, everything is fine now and it's growing everyday. Peanut's head (that's what I've started to call the baby, instead of it) is down right now so it's back likes to push up against my ribs and it's head presses against my bladder.. so my whole stomach is starting to hurt right now... but I guess that's what comes with pregnancy.

I'm not working right now in Cali and neither is Ryan. It's kind of nice to be able to take this time to relax and just spend time with Ryan. We haven't gotten much of a chance to do that since we've been married, so it's been really nice to "get to know" my husband. It's amazing what you find out about people when you just sit down and have the time to talk to them and listen to what they're really saying.

We're also praying adamantly about our house selling in Georgia. In order for us to move to Portland our house either needs to sell or we have to find someone to rent it. So.... needless to say we really want our house to sell because we don't want to have the frustration of dealing with renters, etc.

I'm hoping to borrow my sister-in-laws camera so I can get updated pics of Peanut on here (as I know all of you are anxiously waiting for). I'll be 34 weeks tommorrow, so 6 WEEKS LEFT!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

The mission trip

I am now officially moved into Cheryl's house (although awaiting the rest of my clothing and "stuff" to get here from G.A.)

We had a wonderful time in Mexico. I can't believe how fast it went (we were there for 15 days) and how slow it went at the same time. I was ready to come home after the short time spent there... tired, sore, and feeling the effects of being 7 months pregnate and on my feet all day working.

The orphanage we visited is called Casa de Elizabeth and it is located in Imuris, Mexico (near Nogales, Mexico). It has been there for almost 20 years and has been run by the same two people (Manuel and Gabby). Right now they have about 85 kids ranging from the youngest being about 4 to the oldest being 18. They do have a few older "orphans" that have been there since they were little, but are now old enough to be considered non-adoptable by the state, but continue to live there because they have no were else to go (but know that they can work around the orphanage and have food and a place to stay).

All of the kids were adorable (as you will see in the pictures). The only problem at the orphanage is there isn't enough adult supervision for them, so they basically solve their own problems by either hitting, throwing rocks, or teasing back. I tried to (in broken spanish mind you) tell them to stop, but since the adults are hardly ever around to stop them, they don't listen to authority too well. They'd either look at me and give me a bad look and contine what they were doing or stop, wait unitl I wasn't looking and then hit them with something handy.

The kids loved the camera (me taking pictures of them and them taking pictures) and were always asking me for it (if I didn't have it with me). The kids also loved the fact that I was pregnant and always wanted to know what the baby was doing (sleeping, moving, etc).

Our main project that Jordan, Ryan, and I accomplished while we were there was putting in a brick walk way for the little boys and girls to the basketball court and the older girls to walk out to the same area. The area will also serve as a play area for the little ones during the day and a place for them to go when they wake up at 5 in the morning (it's fenced in) and not wandering around the orphanage. It took a lot of work because the area was not flat (to put grass in), so we had to shovel it up and turn it over (like you would with a roto-tiller) and then rake it so it would be at a slope. Then we had to shovel a 2" walkway to lay the bricks down, fill the bricks in with sand (they didn't have enough money to put in concrete at the time), and then put more sand in the next day. Needless to say this was a very time consuming and very hard project. We had to wait on rain-delays (because the ground would be muddy and unable to work in or with), the opportunity to get bricks, and other things like that. But, we did get it finished and it looks wonderful.

Ryan being taught how to play the violin

Getting Ready for the pinata!!! Hannah, Suzzie, and Jordan (some other Americans that visit once a month) bring a pinata and cake for the children's birthdays in that month. All the kids go crazy!!!

These are just a tast of all the photos we took at the orphanage of the kids. Here are some videos from the orphange. Snap fish is a free site, you just have to "sign up" in order to look at the pics and videos. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Updated Pictures

So, as promised I have new pictures. I don't really like the way they turned out on the camera I was using... so I might use my parents scanner and try it again.

It was fun seeing the baby again. At first the little booger was asleep and then all the sudden it woke up and was all over the place. The first lady that was doing the pictures (a trainee) was laughing because you could see it "head butting me" and "punching me" and I could feel it at the same time. One moment it's legs were over it's head and the next minute it's butt was right in our face on the screen. It was flipping all over the place and they couldn't get the best pictures of it. But we were able to see it's face (the pics here), the knees, feet, arms, and fingers.
arm is down at the bottom and another by its face. you can also see it's nose, lips, and a bit of ear .

feet are up at the top of the pic. the arm is also at the bottom of the pic.

We still don't know what it is, and aren't going to find out. I'm getting bigger by the week and as soon as I can get my camera working (it broke this weekend) I'll post some pics of me from a wedding I was in this weekend.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Upcoming Changes

For the few of you that do read my lovely post, I can update you on what's happening with the Peters' family in Georgia.

Ryan found out on Friday that he is GETTING OUT OF THE ARMY!!!!! I'm so excited an nervous right now, I don't quite know what to do with myself. Nervous because I'm not quite sure what doors God will open for us i.e. jobs, school, and the baby. But, I have full faith that something good will come available for us.

Our plans are: Going on an easter seaboard trip in early August(up to Niagra Falls and back) to see New York, Washington, Kentucky, etc.... things that you have to see if you might not ever get a chance to see them again. From August 13th until Sept 1st(ish) we're going on our mission trip to Casa De Elisabeth. I will then be traviling to Cali to move in with Cheryl (Ryan's mom) while Ryan goes back to Georgia to finish up the whole Army thing and move our stuff to Portland. We should be in Cali around Sept. 6th or so (look forward to seeing everyone !!!) The baby is coming around Nov. 26th, so I'm going to be out of commission around that time.... so I have no idea what I'm going to be doing from Sept. to November. Probably helping Cheryl and Amy... who knows. Ryan is still looking for a job and we're hoping our house sells quickly so we don't have to worry about that.
After being in Cali for about a year or so, we're headed up to Portland so Ryan can finish his college degree and I can take some ministry classes.

It's going to be a crazy next couple of months, well probably years.. but I'm also looking forward to where God leads us and our search for our ministry. Any support for our up coming mission is greatly appreciated. Check out or for all the info!!

I will have another sonogram July 19th so I'll post pics of the baby and me.. seeing as lots of people are asking for one.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Summer Plans

Seeing as I only have 3 weeks left in school, it's time for me to start thinking about what I'm going to do for the summer. I am going to be limited to my activities seeing as I will be 5 months pregnate by July.

Our mission trip is still under way for July.. check out our other website for more info. I'm very excited about going and helping out with the kids and experience what it will be really like to have our own orphanage. This will also help me see what it's like to take care of a child.

Other than that, we're going to get our house ready to sell seeing as Ryan is getting (hopefully) out of the army. This is going to be a fun process seeing as we have so many "fix-it" projects to finish. I'm limited to the things that I can do (can't paint or handle any harmful chemicals). But, I am working on fixing the pillows, upholstering a couch, and anything household activites.

Hopefully we will see all of our family soon in California and Portland and get our orphanage process underway.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Baby pics

hey all,

Just wanted to keep you updated on the baby progress. We did have a bit of a scare on Monday where I had to go to the emergency room because of some bright red bleeding that occured. We were in the ER from 7:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. The doctors cleaned me up and then did a vaganal ultral sound to see if they could hear the babys heart beat, see how it looked.. just to make sure everything was o.k. I got to hear the heart beat while I was in the room, it was amazing. I didn't get to see the images at the time, but I knew then that everything was o.k. The doctor told me that I had a 1/8cm hole in my placenta that is bleeding and that means that I can't do any excessive lifting, try to stay off me feet for long periods of time, no strenious activity, and limited stress. So needless to say, I'm letting Ryan and Jordan Allaway (who is now living with us for those who know him) do all the work around the house while I eat ice cream and watch t.v.

I'm also able to rest this upcoming week since I have spring break, so I will get some much needed R and R. This has really put us into percpective about the control that God has over our lives. On the way to the hospital, we just prayed that he would keep the baby safe no matter what happend, and if I do miscarry then I know where it will go. So, I keep the stress level down and pray daily that the lord will watch over my health and the babys.

The doctor that I saw the next day gave us the picture of the ultrasound and told us that it is 1 cm long, the heart rate is 145 and growing perfectly. Here are two pics below:

Can't really tell that it's a baby, but here it is.

Here's another one...

Saturday, April 01, 2006


So, I'm sick and don't really have much to talk about.... I made up a silly quiz to see who knows me.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Family Expanding again

Ryan and I just found out on Thursday that we're going to be parents. This is very exciting news. We're both a little scared about what's going to be coming our way in the next nine months and the following years to follow, but we are both feeling very blessed that the Lord blessed us enough to have something created with love and with so much family. We do appreciate all of the prayers that people have been praying for us to have a baby. We also appreciate all continued prayer for us in the next months. If anyone has any helpful tips, it would greatly be appreciated. As soon as I have my first sonogram (in about 2-3 weeks) I'll post them up so everyone can keep up with our progress.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

God works in mysterious ways

It is amazing what they power of prayer and words that come out of your mouth are. While I was in college I went to school for early education but didn't complete it due to some personal problems. I changed to a general studies degree and have been trying to get back into teaching ever since then (July 2004). I currently got a paraprofessional job at an elementary school as a Reading Specialist.

In order to be a teacher in Georgia you have to pass two test called PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II. I passed both of those during my efforts to accomplish student teaching. The school board told me that all I had to do to get my certification was work full time at least one year (or the majority for a year in my case), submitt my application, and wait. Well, I did that and FINALLY GOT MY CERTIFICATION yesterday. This was a HUGE milestone for me and I just couldn't contain my joy.

During my work day I work with various students on their reading and a few EIP teachers. There was this one fifth grade teacher that I loved working with but.. sometimes she just worked on my nerves. I had not been talking very nicely about her (not nasty things, just doubting her teaching styles). She told me a while back that she had to have surgery due to some pre-cancer.

Long story short... the lord was speaking to my heart this morning to tell my co-worker to pray for her and her surgery. I also felt compeled to appologize to the Lord for my wrong thoughts. Then... this afternoon, my principle asked me to be her long term sub while she is out. This is a huge step for me seeing as I would be able to show my teaching abilities to the principle and work outside of my job that I had been hired for. I just felt so blessed and happy to be offered this postition. I just knew that God was working in this situation despite my "nasty" words about her.

I just got on my knees this afternoon and prayed that God would forgive me for the thoughts that I had and allow me to be sucessful in her room. I also thanked him for the wonderful opportunity that he had placed on my door and that it would lead to a full time job nex year. This just reminds me of how simple words or thoughts are in our daily life. We should always be thoughtful of what we think and say about people because God will more than likely put us in their path to help them out. This helps me become a better christian and a better person.

Friday, February 24, 2006

New additions to the family

Ryan and I just added two new members to our family this past weekend. Caesar is a black mut that was living at my best friends grandmothers' house and no one wanted him. Pixie is a blond/brown mut that Ryan got for me for Valentines Day.

At first they didn't get along because Caesar is very skitsky and doesn't know how to play with other dogs (very bad when Pixie loves to play with other dogs). Once they got to know each other, Ceasers hormones flaired and he wanted to well "get to know her a little better".....

They are now getting along fine and play nicely in our yard. We get to take them on walks around the yard and they are always happy to see us (I think they like me better). Hopefully we will get a fence soon so they can run around and play.

I just keep praying that the Lord will allow us to keep growing our family in due time.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I promise I'm not missing

Yes, I know it has been way too long since I have posted a blog.... but I don't think it really matters anyways because an average of two people actually comment to my postings. But, it at least allows me to get my thoughts out of my head.

Ryan and I are finally in our house. It is coming together slowly but surley. We bought paint and fabric yesterday for some picker-upers in our home. We're going to have a Garage sale Saturday and Sunday, so I pray that everything goes well.

We are also adding two family memebers to our house. Ryan bought me a dog for Valentines day (a total surprise by the way) and then we are adopting another dog from the other house that we used to live in. As soon as we get some more progress on our house than I will put up some more pics.

I also would like for everyone to pray for Ryan and I. We are trying to have a baby and so far haven't bee fortunate enough to grow our family. I would like the prayer just to be that if the Lord has it in our plan to have a baby now that he will bless us with having one or if we need to focus on taking care of foster children (another idea of ours) then he allows that to happen.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Our new House

Ryan and I will soon be able to move into our new house. The closing date is supposed to be January 24th. I just have to keep praying that all the repairs get done on time and the appraser approves the repairs.

We have been fortunate lately on finding furniture for our home. Between the two of us all we have is: dishes, silverware, two t.v.'s, a dresser, a twin bed, a t.v. stand, washer, and a place to put our dirty laundry. Other than that, we have absolutly nothing and we don't have a whole lot of money right now to buy expensive things. I honestly just prayed really hard that the Lord would lead us to things that we could afford (until all of the cost for the house closing went away). And wouldn't you know it, we have found tons of things for about $600. I just thank the Lord that we were fortunate enough to find these things.

Once we get moved in and settled we would love for EVERYONE to come and visit us. I know that this is a hard things since most of Ryan's friends live in Cali or Portland.... but, we'll have two extra rooms and a living room to sleep in.

I've included some pictures of our house. We plan on doing some renovations to make it a bigger place. As we complete them or start working on them I'll have a before/after blog. It's going to be an exciting time and I hope that everyone can continue praying for us.

Front of the House

Back Yard