It was fun seeing the baby again. At first the little booger was asleep and then all the sudden it woke up and was all over the place. The first lady that was doing the pictures (a trainee) was laughing because you could see it "head butting me" and "punching me" and I could feel it at the same time. One moment it's legs were over it's head and the next minute it's butt was right in our face on the screen. It was flipping all over the place and they couldn't get the best pictures of it. But we were able to see it's face (the pics here), the knees, feet, arms, and fingers.

We still don't know what it is, and aren't going to find out. I'm getting bigger by the week and as soon as I can get my camera working (it broke this weekend) I'll post some pics of me from a wedding I was in this weekend.
i was just over at Rebecca Marie's blog and thought to myself "What ever is going on with Baby Peters these days?" .... Hmmm.... guess I should just read along :)
awww. i love ultra sound pictures!
So precious!! I hope that I get to see you and meet the baby before we leave...we'll just see how it works out. Andrew and I are happy for you!!
so excited for you two to be parents!!! you will make amazing parents!
and i will be the best auntie EVER!!!
love to all three of you!
Thanks everyone for all the excitement about the baby. I'm now in Cali, so I look forward to seeing everyone out here!!
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