"Freedom from anxiety is characterized by three inner attitudes:

1. To receive what we have as a gift from God
2. To know that it is God's business and not ours, to care for what we have.
3. To have our goods available to others. "
Now, I don't know about you, but I definatly don't have these attitudes all the time. I sometimes catch myself not appreciating the gifts that God has given me or, I even think that those gifts might not have come from God, but of some doing of my own. I know that I have definatly tried to take care of things on my own saying "I am woman, hear me roar"... trying to take care of EVERYTHING possible. And, I definatly don't allow other people to use my goods. I mean for goodness sake, I earned them... THEY ARE MINE!!!!
But, after much consideration of these crazy thoughts; I realized that God is and will be the only person that has given me the things that I have and he is the only person that can and will take them away. I think the reason why I was so anxious before is I was always trying to take care of things myself and not letting the Lord (who does know EVERYTHING) take care of my problems. Simplicity starts with the inside. Once you can realize the above 3 things, then you will have inner simplicity. But, until then you will have anxiety and no simplicity.
Once, you have gotten down the whole inner simplicity, the book list 10 controling principles for our outward expression of simplicity. Foster does mention that these are not "laws" per say, but just suggestions on how we can make our life more simple.
1. Buy things for their usefulness rather than their status.
2. Reject anytihng that is producing an addicition in you (ie alchohol, work, school, opposite sex, etc). Learn to distinguish between a real psychological need and an addiction.
3. Decelop a habit of giving things away.
4. Refuse to be propagandized by the custodians of modern gadgetry (basically don't be pulled in by the "make your live easier by buying this thing-a-mabob").
5. Learn to enjoy things without owning them (ie the beach, but not owning a house on the beach, a park, etc).
6. Develop a deeper appreciation for the creation (look at Psalm 24:1).
7. Look with a healthy skepticism at all "buy now, pay later" schemes. They are a trap and only deepen your bondage (look at Luke 6:35).
8. Obey Jesus' instructions about plain, honest speech (look at Matthew 5:37). Make honesty and integrity the distinguishing characteristic of your speech.
9. Reject anything that breeds the oppression of others.
10. Shun anything that distracts you from seeking first the kingdom of God.
Now, I know that those are some pretty high demands, but they are all so simple when you take one at a time and work on acheiving it. As I was reading, I made an X by the ones that I don't do. And, oddly enough I put an X by almost everyone. That gave me a HUGE REALITY CHECK!!!! I realized that I get caught up in the latest fashion trend, or the latest gismo buy, or anything that could make my life easier. But, I now realize that I need to make my life simple. So, I start with step one. Soon enough, I hope to achieve my goal of simplicity.

But, I do know one thing.... I will have to learn how to be patient.
wow emily! that's awesome! what a great goal: simplicity.
i need to work on time management in my life . . . with school and work and being married i don't have much time for just simply "being." or even sleeping!
If you belive that you are God's gift then you can always receive what God gives you as a gift and not to take advantage of what he gives you. You also have to make sure that you realize that He has put you here for a reason and you should always try to accomplish that reason.
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