I was able to meet some of Ryan's family- Aunt Ozella and Uncle Ver along with their two children Ben and Katie. I also got to meet Rachel and her baby and Sara and her husband Kevin. Rachel and Sara are children of Joy (ryan's moms sister) and also have a brother Andrew that I got to meet in Portland.
Ozella, Vern, Ben, Katie, Rachel, the baby (sorry, can't remeber his name), Sara, Kevin, Joy, and her husband (sorry can't remember his name either) all took a trip to Multnoma Falls. We were able to take the senic route to it and saw many beautiful rivers and waterfalls.

We were also able to go to a coffee house that Ryan RAVED about to play scrabble with a bunch of his friends. I didn't play b/c I'm not very good, but apparently Joh (Tabatha's husband) is pretty good at puns!!

While we were in Portland, we stayed with Aimee Jo and Andrew. She is the best hostest around!!! Thank you for allowing us to stay in your room while you slept on the couch. On Sunday, we went up to Faith Quest with Andrew to hear him sing. It was such an amazing experience. The following pic, Ryan and Andrew weren't even looking at each other and had the same exact face! I guess you know that they are related.

Overall, I absolutly love Portland and I hope that we get to move there soon. I know that it will be an overwhelming change at first, but I'll have tons of Ryan's friends to mooch off of. Well I'm going to head off to sleep now, I have to get Ryan up really stinkin early for his doctors appointment tommorw.
are you really gonna move here?!?!?!? i hope so! that would rock!
Not sure, if Ryan gets out of the army soon.. then yes. But, even if he doesn't we will eventually move there so he can finish his degree and I can take a couple of classes in ministry. Since that's what we want to do
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