So I am finally recovered from our (mine and Ryan) trip to California and Portland. I had such a blast and have so many pics to share. This one is of Ryan and I (obviously) in San Franciso. It is so pretty down by the bay. But it was freakin cold!!

Ryan and I decided to take a trip up to Big Trees National Park (which is about 1 hour north of Stockton). It is a forrest full of 300 feet+ redwood trees. These trees have been there for 1000's of years. This one had a scar where Ryan is standing, but the founders of the park decided to cut a whole in the tree so people could drive their cars through it.

Ryan and I are standing at the root system of a fallen redwood tree. As you can see this tree is HUGE!!!

The day before we left, Ryan's sister Amy finally had her baby- Hannah Joy Fry. We were able to go and meet baby Hannah the day she was born!! Ryan couldn't figure out how to get her out of the cart that they keep the newborns in. I guess he has a LONG way to go before he becomes a dad. But, doesn't he look like a natural!! Welcome to the family Hannah!

I'm not exactly sure what I was thinking when Ryan took this picture. But, it was so much fun being able to hold Hannah. I can't wait until Ryan and I have our own children!

Ryan is such a goofball around kids! These are his (and now mine) niece Abby and nephew Jacob. These kids belong to his older brother Eric and his wife Lori who are so wonderful!!
Well I have more pics to share of Portland, but Ryan is bugging me to allow him to get on the computer and post some pics also. I will try and post some more pics. HOpe you guys enjoy these. It was so great meeting all of you in Cali and Portland that I hadn't meet before. Ryan and I hope to know more by the end of October. We'll try to keep everyone updated
congratulations on the new niece!
Awesome. That sister of Ryan's finally had a girl. She'll have plenty of older brothers to protect her.
Well I hope dad being a cop helps.
it was great to see/meet you while you were here! i'm glad you enjoyed your trip!
redwoods and babies are both awesome things!
Yes, I do love babies!!! I hope that Ryan and I will have our own soon!
ok, so you really need to take that picture out of me, ry, and cheryl. I look freakin disgusting in it. Please. I know you have some cute ones of me.
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