Jezzy will be 2 months on January 16th. I can't believe that she is that old already. I guess time really does fly by when you're having fun. We found out that she is allergic to formula, so we had to switch to soy. She is adjusting well to the new formula and seems to do much better with it when we do give it to her. We try not to give it to her too often, only when I know that it's not going to be convenient for me to feed her. She is now almost 10 pounds. We go in on Tuesday for her shots (Not looking forward to that) so I'll be able to find out exactly how much she weighs and how long she is.
Now, updates on Ryan and I. I am going to Georgia for two weeks to visit family and friends. Just me and Jezzy are flying (which will be interesting to experience) home, so I'm pretty excited about that. Ryan will be traveling to Portland to find a job, a home for us to live in, or a house to flip. We are hoping to find a job/place to live by March so we can move up there and get out of Cheryl's house. I love living with my mother-in-law.. but I really want to live in my own house with my husband and baby. We haven't really lived alone very much since we've been married. Before we move here, Jordan was living with us for 6 months and then we moved here (been here for 5 months). So for one year of our 2 year marriage either someone was living with us or we've been living with someone... and remember for the first 7 months of our marriage, Ryan wasn't even here. That means we've only lived alone for 5 months!! Wow, that's really sad when you think about it.. anywho.
We're just waiting for open doors right now on what Gods going to provide for us next. I really hope that we can both find a decent jobs to support our family and provide health insurance for us. I really miss teaching and want to find something that will allow me to get out of the house and meet some new people. I don't have very many close friends here and would like to be somewhere where I can hang out with more people my age. We're also ready to get our orphanage process started, so if you know anyone who has gone through the process of getting a non-profit business licence, please let us know. We appreciate prayers of patience as we wait for Gods plan to happen for us. I know that in good time whatever needs to happen in our life will happen, but it is very hard to be patient when you know what you want to do and nothing is happening to allow that to happen.