Just wanted to keep you updated on the baby progress. We did have a bit of a scare on Monday where I had to go to the emergency room because of some bright red bleeding that occured. We were in the ER from 7:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. The doctors cleaned me up and then did a vaganal ultral sound to see if they could hear the babys heart beat, see how it looked.. just to make sure everything was o.k. I got to hear the heart beat while I was in the room, it was amazing. I didn't get to see the images at the time, but I knew then that everything was o.k. The doctor told me that I had a 1/8cm hole in my placenta that is bleeding and that means that I can't do any excessive lifting, try to stay off me feet for long periods of time, no strenious activity, and limited stress. So needless to say, I'm letting Ryan and Jordan Allaway (who is now living with us for those who know him) do all the work around the house while I eat ice cream and watch t.v.
I'm also able to rest this upcoming week since I have spring break, so I will get some much needed R and R. This has really put us into percpective about the control that God has over our lives. On the way to the hospital, we just prayed that he would keep the baby safe no matter what happend, and if I do miscarry then I know where it will go. So, I keep the stress level down and pray daily that the lord will watch over my health and the babys.
The doctor that I saw the next day gave us the picture of the ultrasound and told us that it is 1 cm long, the heart rate is 145 and growing perfectly. Here are two pics below:

Can't really tell that it's a baby, but here it is.

Here's another one...